You Were Created to Serve


Hey you! Yes, you! Guess what?!

You were handmade. Tailored to perfection. Fearfully and wonderfully created. 

You were created to serve. I know usually when we hear the word “servant,” it’s attached to a negative perception of being less than or unimportant. Society would lead us to believe that being a servant is a role that no one should want. However, the real definition of a servant is a devoted or helpful worker. If you ask me, it’s an honor to be recognized as diligent, so any role that allows us to help others should never be considered “less than.” Being servants shows that we are committed to using our purpose of helping others become the best versions of themselves. When God was creating you, he took into consideration all of the people that you would be able to help with your unique gifts. 

If we look back to the beginning of time, we see that the basic function of a human is to work and serve. In the first chapter of Genesis, God created land on the third day, which included seed-bearing plants and trees that could bear fruit. We all know that for any seed to grow, it needs to be watered. However, if we pay close attention to the story, God does not allow it to rain until there is someone who can tend to the vegetation after it sprouts. This someone is Adam; God creates him from the dust of the ground and with the breath of life. After being created, the first instruction that Adam receives is to serve. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15. Adam was created with the purpose of servanthood, which means so were you. 

What’s your gift?

Is it singing or writing? Maybe you’re a great listener or good with computers. Whatever your gift is, it wasn’t given to you for you to keep. It was put in you for you to share with the world. There are only certain things that can be created through you, how cool is that?! That means that being a servant is pretty important. So, here’s a list of three things that allow us to take our servanthood to another level. 


1. Be Creative - After Adam was placed in the garden to work, God allowed him to name all the animals on Earth! *mind-blown*  

“He brought them to the man to see what he would name them [the animals] and whatever the man called each living creature, that was his name.” Genesis 2:19

Could you imagine the level of creativity needed to name all the animals in the world by yourself? God gave Adam free range to use his imagination, the same goes for us. Dig deep into your creative mind and see what amazing things you can come up with. 

2. Learn and commit to your craft - The sooner you accept your gift, the easier it becomes to serve others. “A man's gift makes room for him, and will bring him before great men” Proverbs 18:16 If your gift is writing, practice writing everyday. If your gift is playing the guitar, practice every day and study your craft as much as possible.The more you sow into your craft, the more you reap when you give it to others. 

3. Stay in community -  When we look at the nature of God, he’s never alone. He operates in the Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit always work together. This shows us that community is really important in anything we do. If we don’t have others around us, we have no one to share our gifts with. Once we find the right community, it’s important to understand that all of our different talents should work together. My talent most likely isn't the same as yours, but when our talents come together we can serve each other the way we were intended to. 

It’s crazy to think that when God was creating the first human being, he had you in mind too. Not only was he thinking about you, but he was thinking about all the lives that you could change just by serving others.
— Ayannah Kamryn

It’s crazy to think that when God was creating the first human being, he had you in mind too. Not only was he thinking about you, but he was thinking about all the lives that you could change just by serving others. Grasping this idea and implementing it will completely change our work ethic and the way we view our gifts. After this, the only thing left to do is to get out there and serve with a full heart and a diligent spirit.

Ayannah Kamryn

Ayannah Kamryn is a Freelance Creative Writer and Event Manager from the Greater Philadelphia area. With authenticity, she illustrates her vocation to hospitality in everything her hands create. As a writer, Ayannah inspires others to mirror a life of Christianity through her blog, The Agape Files. Influenced by her undergraduate studies, The Agape Files combines Modern Philosophy and lessons from her personal transformative spiritual journey. Her words allow the reader to intimately explore what it means to have a divine lifestyle in the present-day. Her articles have been featured in online publications like Relevant Magazine and MCWEN. She also recently received the “30 under 30 People to Watch'' Award from Fun Times Magazine. During her undergrad at Cabrini University, she executed many events centered around leadership and engagement. Ayannah carries those same skills in her full time profession today as an Event Manager for Campus Philly. Looking ahead, her focus is building versatile experiences that promote love and vulnerability. Whatever she is creating, Ayannah remains committed to her passion of always maintaining a feeling of “home”.

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